Best Practices

Blood Donors Forum

Adequate supply of safe blood plays a critical role in public Health Care system in saving millions of lives and improving the health and quality of life of many patients every day. Educos Blood Donors Forum maintains a live registry of volunteers willing to donate blood. Every year awareness classes are conducted on the need for blood donation and the Registry of Donors is upadated. The Forum has rendered yeoman service to the society by donating blood.

PSC Coaching

Joining Coaching Centres for PSC/ UPSC Exam after graduation is a dominant trend seen among students in Kerala . In a futuristic strategy chalked out by EDUCOS to upskill the job aspirants in tackling Competitive Exams confidently, PSC Coaching classes are conducted periodically to interested students, without impacting their regular academic schedule. Apart from familiarising the students with the syllabus and supplying study materials, they are trained in the art of time management, tricks and techniques in cracking competitive exams and honing interview skills.


Dept of Commerce has chalked out a unique programme titled Tete-a Tete to conduct an internal Viva voce periodically and systematically under a dedicated team of teachers to sharpen the interview skills of the students. Launched from the first batch onwards , Tete - a - Tete has proved to be very effective in honing the communication skills, boosting the confidence , imparting interview etiquette and assessing the domain knowledge of the students.

Meet the Captain

One of the major drawbacks of college curriculum is the negligible space earmarked for the acquisition of practical expertise . The Dept of Commerce & Management has drawn up a unique Programme titled Meet the Captain . Doyens of trade, commerce , industry , banking, academia, start up ventures etc are invited to share their valuable insights from their rich experience about contemporary business issues, the challenges they have faced and the solutions they have hit upon. These sessions serve as an ideal platform for the students to supplement their theoretical knowledge with first hand perspectives from some of the stalwarts of the field and also appreciate the different dimensions of handling modern day business challenges.

Competitive Entrance Exam Training


The department of English focuses on training the students for Central University Entrances through its CEET Program. The higher education prospects of our students have always been of utmost importance. From every batch that had passed out, we have students that pursue higher studies in esteemed centers of higher education in India. That alumni in turn contribute to the richness of our academic experience on the campus.

Skill Training and Empowerment program

The department of English considers the development of communication skills to be a major point of graduate education. In a systematic way empowerment of a graduate student can be realized by training him/her in life skills and soft skills. STEP (Skill Training and Empowerment Program) works with this vision at its core.