Department of English
The Department of English was founded in the year 2015 under the headship of Ms. Sradha Somaraj. The Department currently offers one course namely BA in English Language and Literature with Journalism as a subsidiary. The alumni of the department pursue higher studies and research in central universities. The department has always had a commendable pass percentage and has garnered much goodwill from the embedding community and other stakeholders.
A center of excellence for undergraduate programe in English language and literature
• To hone excellent communication skills in the English language
• To ignite a passion for reading and to stimulate critical thinking and research aptitude among students.
• To make the students teach savvy to empower them to be self-motivated explores of the expanding frontiers of knowledge.
• To upskills and update the students on the latest developments in print/electronics/new media to orient them for higher studies in the domain of their choice.
• To mold a generation of students committed to the pursuit of truth and moral integrity.

Sradha Somaraj
HOD, Vice Principal
Asst Professor

Chandran P C
Asst Professor

Sajina Mohandas
Asst Professor

Shilpa K V
Asst Professor

Athira Jayan
Asst Professor

Dhanya P.T. K
Asst Professor

Kavya Vijayan PT
Asst Professor
BA English with Journalism
English with journalism promises sensibility and professionalism in one package, for your future.
Fee Structure
Tuition Fee
Caution Deposit
PTA/Admission Fee
PTA/SWF/Admission Fee/University Union Fee/Affiliation Fee/College Union Fee/Sports Affiliation Fee/Library Fee.
B. A. English Journalism
Color blocks are a simple and effective way to present and highlight your content. Choose an image or a color for the background. You can even resize and duplicate the blocks to create your own layout. Add images or icons to customize the blocks.
Fee Structure
Tuition Fee
Tuition Fee
Caution Deposit
Caution Deposit
Admission Fee
PTA/SWF/Admission Fee/University Union Fee/Affiliation Fee/College Union Fee/Sports Affiliation Fee/Library Fee
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