Principal Message
EDUCOS Arts & Science College, Kuttiadi, a self–financing college in the Co-operative Sector, established with the objective of making Higher education accessible to the underprivileged sections of society, has shot into prominence within a short span of time since its inception in 2015. It stands to our credit that many meritorious students who have passed out of college are pursuing Higher Education in prestigious State and National institutions. A team of dedicated teachers, a disciplined student community, a well-stocked library, good infra facilities, unstinted support from the Board of Directors running the College, and ample support from key stakeholders boost the USP of this budding institution.
Higher Education is on the cusp of a new era with quantum leaps in digital technology. With the advent of Web 3.0, the world is going Meta. Along with syncing educational pedagogy with these developments, the basic thrust of education as highlighted by our ancient thinkers –“ Sa vidya ya vimukthaye ”(Education is that which liberates ) remains the central focus - A man making, character building assimilation of ideas that liberate us from ignorance, sectarianism, chauvinism and all that stifle the development of human personality. Inspired by these ideals, we at EDUCOS wish to empower our students in our own humble way in sync with our motto Education for Empowerment.
Next year the college is shifting to a new spacious campus located atop the picturesque NHALLORA HILLS, near Naduppoyil, 5 KM away from Kuttiadi. I do welcome you all to our college which is equipped with all facilities that an institution of Higher education requires. Do join the institution and live the transformation you aspire for.
Thank you